Year Round Packing Ideas
Purchasing shoebox items throughout the year is a great way to spread the cost and help reach even more children with God’s love. Check out our packing guide for the suggested item of the month and use it to put together shoebox gifts that are sure to bless and delight the children receiving them. #OCCmonthlyitem

Hats, Gloves & Scarves
“The best thing I got in my shoebox was the hat, gloves, and scarf. I’ve worn them for a long time and like them very much.”
- Marina, Moldova

"I am so happy! I cannot believe that someone from a different country would send me a gift of exactly what I like: rings and hairbows. I will keep going to church."
- Vanessa, Colombia

Quality Crafts
"I collected and bought pillowcases from friends and and am turning them into tote bags. These are easy to do by cutting them in half, and then using grosgrain ribbon for the handles!"
- Annette M

Cuddly Toys
"When I lifted the lid on my purple plastic shoebox, the first thing I saw was a stuffed dog. I was filled with exuberant joy! I just remember hugging it."
- Yuliya, Central Asia

Personal Care Items
“The toothbrush meant a lot because before I had to share my toothbrush with 25 other girls.”
- Yuri, Honduras

Other Toys
"Our economic condition is very poor, so my parents cannot afford to buy toys for me. When I heard that I would get a gift box, I was so excited! Thank you to all of my foreign friends who sent me the toys and other amazing things."
- Samia, East Asia

Musical Instruments
"After shoeboxes were given out and the children returned to their homes we could hear harmonicas being played throughout the neighbourhood. The children were so happy with their gifts."
- Scot M.

School Supplies
"My favourite items in my shoebox were school supplies. They were really important to me because it meant I could go to school."
- Luis, Panama

"At first we had no idea what (the Etch A Sketch) was. After having it displayed on a shelf for a couple of months, my sister was dusting and she turned the knobs. When she saw the line going up and down on the screen she was so excited."
- Yuliya, Central Asia

Letter & Photo
"One thing in the box I won’t forget was a picture of a girl and her letter: Heather Roberts from Enon, Ohio. We started writing letters and to this day, nearly 20 years later, we’re friends."
- Nanor, Middle East

£5 Donation
"To have the shipping money, I stopped buying soft drinks or tea at restaurants. It saves a few pounds anytime we go out. I put that extra money in my change jar."
- Cathy W

"The most important thing you can send with a box is prayer."
- Franklin Graham, President of Samaritan’s Purse