Support the Project
By improving farming techniques, increasing the productivity of livestock, opening up access to markets, and providing training in basic business skills, we help households and communities make the transition from subsistence living to income generation, securing a better future.
“I feel proud. It makes me feel strong that I can grow on my own, that I can generate money and grow food for my family. This project has taught me that God made me, that God created everything, and He is our Provider.”
Korpo, a single mother of two in Liberia
Give to Animals, Agriculture and Livelihoods
Your gift to livelihoods programmes will provide training and resources to families in rural communities, with the aim of generating income for a self-sufficient future.
Stories From The Field
The Bible and Bullet Holes: Reminders of God’s Love
A Ukrainian man helped by Samaritan’s Purse is slowly recovering after the Kherson dam break. -
Stories from the Frontlines in Ukraine: Part 2
In part two of this episode, Kristy Graham continues her conversation with Vera, a Ukrainian woma -
Stories from the Frontlines in Ukraine: Part 1
Kristy Graham talks with Vera, a Ukrainian woman who has served on the frontlines with Samaritan’ -
Elena’s Story: Offering Praise in Poland
A Ukrainian mother gives thanks for the Good News and great joy that God is bringing to refugee c -
Vera’s Journals: Seeing God on the Frontlines
Journal excerpts from a Ukrainian translator show how God is using Samaritan’s Purse in some of t -
Sharing God’s Love With Romania’s Children
Elisa moved to the small Romanian village of Călineşti when she got married and was keen to start
Will supply a dozen chicks, a coop, and basic veterinary care.
Can provide 30 seedlings that will grow to provide many benefits.
Provides dairy goats to families in need and teaches them how to care for the animals.